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You’ve taken your business idea from concept to reality, and now it’s time to spread the word. The key to growth lies in communication and marketing, but how will you let the world know you exist? And how will you convince them they need you?

This crash course in communications and marketing for small businesses will give you the basic skills needed to drill down and identify just exactly who your target audience is, how they want to receive their information and how you can use that to attract new customers (and hang on to current ones).

Learn how to drive more customers to your website, how to effectively utilize websites and social media, and easy things you can do to improve SEO rankings.

You already know you need a website, but find out why and learn about website best practices. Some design elements will drive away visitors before they even read your About page, and others will entice them to click without even knowing why.

Do you even need to be on Twitter, Facebook or Instagram? What about Snapchat, TikTok and LinkedIn? Learn why sometimes a blog isn’t a good idea, and why creating shareable multimedia content like podcasts and videos could be your lifeline to success.


WHEN: March 29th & March 31st

TIME: 6:00 – 8:00 pm


FOR MORE INFORMATION, CONTACT: Robin Houde | 360.754.6320


Grant Available: This course is being funded through a grant brought to you by the Small Business Administration Office of Women’s Business Ownership OWBO COVID 19 CARES Act grant awarded to the Washington Center for Women in Business. If you are interested in becoming an entrepreneur or own a small business that has been affected by COVID 19 you qualify to attend this course at no cost.  Please visit https://wcwb.org/calendar/, locate the course, and click on the link to register. If you have any questions related to this grant or require assistant registering for the course please email [email protected]. The Washington Center for Women in Business is an inclusive organization so all genders may register for this course.

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