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Have you hit a limit to your success in your business and no matter how hard you work, how many seminars or trainings you attend, you just can’t break beyond this “stuck point?” Or does it feel like you have built a successful business at the expense of your health and relationships? Well, you are not alone and there are answers to your dilemma. Felicia Searcy, the Premier Results Expert will help you break out of this cycle of “almost there” when it comes to success in all areas of your life.

Topics in this session will include:

  •  How to make yourself do the things you know you need to do.
  •  Simple thinking strategies to guard you from fear, doubt, and worry (those thoughts  that stop your success dead in its tracks).
  •  Learn how to create a clear vision for a business and life that you will love.


WHEN: February 18, 2021

TIME: 12:00 – 1:00 pm


FOR MORE INFORMATION, CONTACT: Robin Houde | 360.754.6320

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