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Learn the best practices of website design and how to navigate the Wix platform in just 3 hours!

Participants will be able to work alongside the instructor to design and build their own website. Elements considered will be choosing the best template, writing compelling copy, adding eye-catching imagery, creating a store, linking to social media, and Search Engine Optimization. Two monitors highly recommended.


Grant Available: This course is being funded through a grant brought to you by the Small Business Administration Office of Women’s Business Ownership OWBO COVID 19 CARES Act grant awarded to the Washington Center for Women in Business. If you are interested in becoming an entrepreneur or own a small business that has been affected by COVID 19 you qualify to attend this course at no cost.  If you have any questions related to this grant or require assistant registering for the course please email [email protected]. The Washington Center for Women in Business is an inclusive organization so all genders may register for this course.

WHEN: March 24, 2021

TIME: 6:00 – 9:00 pm


FOR MORE INFORMATION, CONTACT: Robin Houde | 360.754.6320

The Center for Business & Innovation is here to support you! To see more upcoming small business classes or to learn more about CB&I services, click here.

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