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Are you confused about investing or unsure if you should adjust your investments and retirement accounts?
Does your relationship with money feel disabling instead of empowering?
Are you looking to up-level your financial game?
Self-care is on everyone’s mind these days, however, financial self-care is often overlooked. For business owners, it is very important to not only understand one’s finances, but to have a strong financial strategy in place.

Meet Our Guest | Renee Cohen 

Renee is a financial strategist and advocate for the modern woman. Renee’s passion for empowering women and her natural talent for strategic analysis inspired her to follow her calling to help women be the boss of their money. Renee specializes in helping women have a healthy money mindset & up-level their financial game with effective strategies and solutions to authentically design their lives. In addition to helping her own clients thrive, Renee strives to positively impact individuals across the country by educating them on the importance of financial planning, building a positive relationship with money, and successfully plan.


WHEN: October 15, 2020

TIME: 12:00 – 1:00 pm

REGISTER: https://washingtonptac.ecenterdirect.com/events/852278

FOR MORE INFORMATION, CONTACT: Robin Houde | 360.464.6061

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