You are cordially invited to attend “Mineral Trade – from the Democratic Republic of Congo to Washington State – A Transparent & Ethical Strategy” on April 24th & 25th from 9-4 at SPSCC Lacey Campus 4220 6th Avenue Southeast, Lacey, WA. This two-day event will bring together Mining Site Owners, Artisanal Miners, Investors and Consumers in order to discuss creating partnerships between the Democratic Republic of Congo’s Mineral Trade and Washington State. For more information and to contact the organizers, please email [email protected]. We look forward to seeing you there!
Who: Thurston EDC, Purpose Investment Group
What: “Mineral Trade – from Democratic Republic of Congo to Washington State – A Transparent & Ethical Strategy”
When: April 24-25, 2023, 9 am —4 pm
Where: SPSCC Lacey Campus 4220 6th Avenue Southeast, Lacey WA
Contact: [email protected]
Register Here: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/mineral-trade-from-democratic-republic-of-congo-to-washington-state-tickets-563622960447