Port Develops New Vision with Community Input
What’s the first thing that comes to mind when you think about the Port of Olympia today? What would you like to be able to say about the Port in the future?
These are a few of the questions our community has been answering as part of the ongoing Port of Olympia Vision 2050 project.
The Port has been operating under a plan set in place through a similar process in 1995. That visioning process brought about many of the amazing assets local and tourists are able to enjoy today. From the Market District to the Port Plaza to the Swantown Boatworks. All of this was made possible because of community involvement and participation in the visioning process.
“Visioning can be very powerful,” states Jennie Foglia-Jones, Communications, Marketing & Outreach Manager at the Port of Olympia, “and I have no doubt our process this time will make just as much or more of an impact on the community.”
Asking questions about the current state of the region, Port projects and the future ideals of community members gets people thinking… what’s possible?
Over 1700 submitted their response to the survey at the time of our interview, just shy of the deadline for input next week. Responses came from across the county and spanned wide age ranges. An 11-year-old even submitted his own ideas when given the opportunity to participate. No idea goes unnoticed.
And, in addition to the Port learning more about what the community things, they hope more people will become aware of what the Port does, and can do, in the future.
“It’s more than Olympia.” Foglia-Jones affirms. The Port vision encompasses all of Thurston County, not just the waterfront but also the Airport, tourism and agricultural support.
Once survey results are analyzed and organized, at task force of 27 local leaders and citizens will take up the challenge of crafting a proposed vision and actions.. The community will have another opportunity to review and prioritize the various proposals this spring.
The new vision is expected to go before the Port Commission for consideration in late 2019.
The action plan will provide a roadmap for the Port of Olympia into the future enabling staff to get to work making the community vision a reality. “Education is key,” explains Foglia-Jones. She also notes that the Port is always available for public walking tours or private tours.
Every individual has an opportunity to take part in the future of the Port of Olympia’s work. In order to stay aware of future news and events, visit portolympia2050.org.