Welcome to Research Washington
High quality research done local
A local team of experts
Research Washington is a consortium of academic talent from St Martin’s University, The Evergreen State College, South Puget Sound Community College and the Thurston Economic Development Council. Our team has expertise in economics, statistics, public administration and more. No matter what your need is, we have an expert that can meet it.
Dr. Riley Moore
St Martin’s University
Melissa Navala
Applied Mathematics
The Evergreen State College
Gene Angel
Research Manager
Thurston Economic Development Council
“Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Eleifend mi in nulla posuere.” – Anna Mackentoshi, Department of Commerce
Our Past Work
Defense Industry Adjustment Outreach Survey
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Provided for the Washington State Department of Commerce, this report represents the finding of a selective survey of organizations within Clark, Cowlitz, Kitsap, Klickitat, Skamania, Snohomish, Spokane and Thurston Counties to better assess the levels of Department of Defense reliance for organizations within each of the above counties.
The study was funded by a Defense Industry Adjustment Program Outreach grant and data was collected over July and August of 2016. Selected organizations within each of the counties were identified and surveyed on a host of topics including market scope and sales, facilities, degree of DOD reliance and workforce needs.
Downtown Olympia Business Outreach
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In coordination with the City of Olympia, an outreach survey was developed with questions designed to understand the characteristics of businesses located in downtown Olympia, WA. The survey was intended to solicit input from local businesses on issues and subjects currently affecting business, and provide feedback to the City of Olympia. 104 downtown businesses participated in this survey.
Thurston County Economic Vitality Index 2017
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This is the 10th anniversary of the Thurston Economic Vitality Index (EVI). In creating this index and associated critical economic indicators, it was our goal that this report could be used by business and community leaders to provide a consistent and in-depth description of how the local economy is performing. This year, the EVI composite index is again showing positive trend lines in the leading indicator series — positive gains in employment, and positive gains in overall tax revenues per municipality.
This year’s report incorporates critical data indicators that are found in the EDC’s Thurston Community Economic Alliance regional strategy — which tracks data that helps to define the quality of life found throughout Thurston County.