Food Distribution in Puget Sound is Focus of New Project


Food Distribution in Puget Sound is Focus of New Project Northwest Agriculture Business Center coordinates collaboration of food leaders in an effort to address issues impacting 4.6 million people MOUNT VERNON, Wash. -- The Northwest Agriculture Business Center (NABC), together with a network of over 30 entities, is devoting the next three years to address [...]

Food Distribution in Puget Sound is Focus of New Project2020-11-10T12:12:23-08:00

Partners Successfully Launch Regional Food Security Box Program


On August 19, the new Regional Food Security Box program delivered the first shipment of boxes filled with local farm-fresh food to 73 out-of-work families throughout the five-county region. The Pacific Mountain Workforce Development Council funded the Regional Food Security Box program. The program is the Southwest Washington Food [...]

Partners Successfully Launch Regional Food Security Box Program2020-08-25T12:34:05-07:00
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