Tenino Arts Spring Market

The Market is open 10 am to 7 pm on Friday, March 19, 10 am to 6 pm on Saturday, March 20 and 10 am to 5 pm on Sunday, March 21. The Market is co-hosted with the Tenino Arts and the Tenino Chamber of Commerce at The Kodiak Room Event Center located at 225 Sussex Avenue W (formerly known as The Vault) in historic downtown Tenino.
The Spring Market will also be the location of the latest Wooden Money launch. For $20, a buyer will get an authentic wooden scrip worth $21 at participating Tenino businesses… including the Market! This currency is a tribute to Tenino’s historic banknotes which will soon be featured in the Smithsonian Museum. The “21 for 20” bills are designed for collectors as well as spenders.
The Market follows Covid Safety Guidelines for retail.
In addition to the Tenino Arts Spring Market, explore other local attractions: Tenino City Park, Tenino Depot Museum, Yelm-Tenino Trail, Tenino Stone Carvers, downtown shops and restaurants, Offut Lake Resort, and several nearby wineries and distilleries.