Thurston EDC Welcomes New Board Members

From left to right, top to bottom: Peter Agabi, City of Tumwater, Joe Downing, Port of Olympia, Cecelia Loveless, Capital Pacific Foundation at MultiCare, Malcolm Miller, City of Lacey, Annette Pitts, Experience Olympia & Beyond, Tony Taylor, Tony Taylor Inspires, Chris Woods, Boys & Girls Club of Thurston County and Shina Wysocki, Chelsea Farms.
The Thurston Economic Development Council (EDC) welcomes eight new members to its Board of Directors.
The Thurston EDC is the lead economic development agency for Thurston County, cultivating a dynamic, diverse, resilient and sustainable economy by expanding opportunity, attracting investment and retaining talent. The EDC and its Board of Directors is a mix of leaders from the private and public sectors and from urban and rural Thurston County. Board members are elected by the investors of the EDC. This year the EDC added to the Board:
- Peter Agabi, City of Tumwater
- Joe Downing, Port of Olympia
- Cecelia Loveless, MultiCare Foundation
- Malcolm Miller, City of Lacey
- Annette Pitts, Experience Olympia & Beyond
- Tony Taylor, Tony Taylor Inspires
- Chris Woods, Boys & Girls Club of Thurston County
- Shina Wysocki, Chelsea Farms
Re-elected and returning to the Board for another term include:
- Reid Bates, Express Employment Professionals
- David Burnett, Chehalis Tribal Enterprises
- Marc Daily, Thurston Regional Planning Council
- Gary Edwards, Thurston County Commissioners
- Brian Fluetsch, Sunset Air
- Wayne Fournier, Mayor, City of Tenino
- Daryl Fourtner, Heritage Bank
- Ann Freeman-Manzanares, Intercity Transit
- Roy H Heynderickx, PhD, Saint Martin’s University
- Yến Huỳnh, Councilmember, City of Olympia
- Jessica Jensen, Jensen Milner | Cap City Law, PS
- Dan Jones, North America Talk
- Evan Parker, Kidder Mathews
- Timothy Stokes, South Puget Sound Community College
Additionally, Heather Burgess, Phillips Burgess, PLLC, will serve another term as President. Mark Steepy, KPFF Consulting Engineers is President-Elect. Michael McGauly, StraderHallett PS is Secretary/Treasurer and Carrie Whisler, Olympia Federal Savings, is Immediate Past President.