Not only is Lacey MakerSpace a community hub for innovation, creativity, and hands-on learning, it is now a robust volunteer and supply-chain-management operation making and distributing protective face masks.
Together with partners The Arbutus Folk School and South Salish Mighty Masks, a Facebook group of nearly 500 strong and over 100 active volunteers, they’ve gathered hundreds of volunteers who are making supplies in their homes to then be donated locally in Thurston County and beyond.
They are in contact with Thurston County Emergency Management and the Thurston Economic Development Council for guidance to determine the organizations in greatest need. So far, they’ve received mask requests from Providence St. Peter’s Hospital, the shelter at Saint Michael’s Parish, the City of Lacey Police Department, the Thurston County Food Bank, Saint Martin’s University Public Safety and many more. Communities in crisis band together, and we’re grateful for the amazing organizations that have joined us in battling COVID-19.
Want to help? Please contact if you want to join the groundswell of volunteers protecting our health care workers, first responders, and vulnerable populations. You can keep track of developments on their main Facebook page.
Read more in this Thurston Talk article.