Washington State Employment Programs Approve Business Start-Up Training

Washington State Employment Programs Approve Business Start-Up Training SEAP and Career Bridge Approved Small Business Training Lacey, WA - The Washington Center for Women in Business (WCWB) has been a long-standing approved provider from Employment Security Department through its Self-Employment Assistance Program (SEAP), which provides training to entrepreneurs, and start-ups through its online webinar, [...]

Washington State Employment Programs Approve Business Start-Up Training2019-03-28T15:01:43-07:00

Thurston EDC Now Accepting Nominations for Annual Business Recognition Awards

EDC will honor Top Businesses at Gala on May 30, 2019 Since 1985, the Thurston Economic Development Council (EDC) has honored local businesses and celebrated the role they play in supporting the economic health of our region. Nominations are now open for the Thurston EDC’s annual Business Awards –awards that celebrate business and community [...]

Thurston EDC Now Accepting Nominations for Annual Business Recognition Awards2019-03-25T16:01:20-07:00
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