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Daryl Murrow
Suggested E-Blast Copy
ScaleUp Training Series E-Blast Content
Subject # 1: Does your business own you or do you own your business?
Subject # 2: Are you working on your business or in your business? Find out the difference and why it matters to your long-term success!
Subject # 3: Vacation without your laptop? If the answer is “no”, you need to take ScaleUp!
Subject # 4: Register for ScaleUp today! Commerce Grant = NO COST to you.
Proposed Body Copy:
The popular ScaleUp Training Series is now available to businesses located in [location] for free, thanks to a grant from the Washington Department of Commerce and the USDA.
ScaleUp will help your business address long-term growth, increase knowledge of financial record-keeping best practices, improve your marketing effectiveness, and adopt tips and tools that lead to higher profitability. ScaleUp includes online training, connection to and networking with peers, and access to resources and mentors. ScaleUp will teach you to work on your business, not in your business, which means you’ll have freedom and flexibility – the reasons many of you started a business in the first place.
Daryl Murrow is an entrepreneur, author, speaker, and business coach who lives in Olympia, Washington and he will be teaching this ScaleUp session! Daryl started his first business in 1990 at the age of 25 and has owned businesses in service, retail, and manufacturing.
After experiencing the frustration that came with growing a business, Daryl sought out the root cause of all his problems. His discovery led to a total transformation of his business. To date, he has coached over a thousand business clients.
WHO: [insert organization name(s)], Washington State Department of Commerce, USDA Rural Development, The Center for Business & Innovation and the Murrow Group
WHAT: ScaleUp Training Series
WHEN: [Insert dates here]
WHERE: Virtual, Register Here [contact James Davis at (360) 464-6051 for the registration link which you’ll insert here]