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Opening Today: Shuttered Venue Operators Grant


The Shuttered Venue Operators Grant application portal is scheduled to reopen today, April 26 at 9:00 am (PST). Eligible entities include: Live venue operators or promoters Theatrical producers Live performing arts organization operators Museum operators Motion picture theater operators (including owners) Talent representatives Other requirements of note: Must have been in operation as of February [...]

Preparing for the SVOG


The Shuttered Venue Operators Grant (SVOG) program is part of the Economic Aid to Hard-Hit Business, Nonprofits and Venues Act. It will be administered by the Small Business Administration, Office of Disaster Assistance. The application is expected to open April 8, 2021. Information about the grant, as well as the application when available can be [...]

Business Enterprise Startup Training (BEST) Class Six


Starting a new business can be exciting, and overwhelming. There are so many things to consider such as setting up operations, meeting legal requirements, accurately pricing your product or service, creating a marketing strategy and plan, and understanding financial statements. Above all, you will want to be profitable! Engage and interact in this 8-week live [...]

Evaluating Your Web Site & Increasing Conversions


Could your web site be doing more for you?  Is it doing its job as effectively as it could be?  In this webinar, we’ll look at the different types of conversion events, what causes increased conversions, and review some attendees’ web sites LIVE.  This way, a few people will be able to get LIVE FEEDBACK [...]

ScaleUp: The Rebuild Edition


Business is not as usual right now and may not be for a long time. ScaleUp business training is focused on teaching proven strategies to small businesses that will increase resiliency and spur growth in the wake of a global pandemic. The three-hour online courses are held weekly, allowing up to 100 businesses around the [...]

Build Your Marketing Strategy to Get More Sales


In this session, we will talk about how to build a marketing funnel for your business to grow the relationships with your audience and generate more sales. You will discover how to build more revenue, referrals, and loyalty from your audience. Having a lead retention strategy is critical to have a profitable business! We will [...]

L&I Creating your Accident Prevention Program


What You Need to Have in Your APP Plan Learn where to find templates, what to include, and ask questions of an L&I compliance specialist who will be joining us. They will be sharing with us what the most overlooked parts of APP’s that they see are and will help you make sure your plan [...]

ScaleUp Training Series: The Rebuild Edition


ScaleUp Business Training is provided through funding from the Washington State Department of Commerce. This training is focused on teaching proven strategies to small businesses that will increase resiliency and spur growth, even in the face of a global pandemic. The three-hour online courses are held weekly, allowing up to 100 businesses around the state [...]

ScaleUp: The Rebuild Edition


Business is not as usual right now and may not be for a long time. ScaleUp business training is focused on teaching proven strategies to small businesses that will increase resiliency and spur growth in the wake of a global pandemic. The three-hour online courses are held weekly, allowing up to 100 businesses around the [...]

ScaleUp: The Rebuild Edition (Evening Series)


Business is not as usual right now and may not be for a long time. ScaleUp business training is focused on teaching proven strategies to small businesses that will increase resiliency and spur growth in the wake of a global pandemic. The three-hour online courses are held weekly, allowing up to 100 businesses around the [...]