Locally Sourced Agriculture Supply Chain Brought to Life in Thurston County

Locally Sourced Agriculture Supply Chain Brought to Life in Thurston County Brewery & Distillery Partners with Southwest Washington Growers Co-Op to Support the Local Economy   Talking Cedar Brewery & Distillery, a tribally-owned destination popular with locals and visiting guests alike, has taken “shop local” to a new level, sourcing the grain [...]

Locally Sourced Agriculture Supply Chain Brought to Life in Thurston County2022-12-07T15:20:35-08:00

Seabrook Uses J1 Visa Program & On-Site Housing to Solve Workforce Crunch

Seabrook Uses J1 Visa Program & On-Site Housing to Solve Workforce Crunch The Quinault Tribe put on a traditional salmon bake for the students. Seabrook is a planned beach community located on the Washington Coast. With over 500 homes, Seabrook's vacation home rental business boomed during the pandemic. In 2021, [...]

Seabrook Uses J1 Visa Program & On-Site Housing to Solve Workforce Crunch2022-11-29T14:38:39-08:00

New Wellness Program for City of Lacey Employees Features Locally Grown Produce

New Wellness Program for City of Lacey Employees Features Locally Grown Produce Photo – Left to right:  Tina Sharp, Thurston EDC, Marilyn Sitaker, WSU Extension, Casey McCrone, SW WA Food Hub, Becci Ryder, “First Lady,” Stephen Bramwell, WSU Extension, Andy Ryder, City of Lacey Mayor, Jeni Schaefer, City Human Resources Wellness Coordinator, [...]

New Wellness Program for City of Lacey Employees Features Locally Grown Produce2022-11-16T10:00:53-08:00

African Day Business Forum

Africa Day Business Forum From left to right: Dr. Matonodo Wawa, Treasurer and member of the board of the African Chamber of Commerce, Michael Cade, Thurston EDC Executive Director, Dr. Chung Lee, Dean & Professor School of Business, Saint Martin’s University and Dru Garson, Director of Strategic Engagement, AWB. [...]

African Day Business Forum2022-11-09T20:45:34-08:00

Sharp Earns Certified Live Event Planner Designation

Sharp Earns Certified Live Event Planner Designation With nearly four decades of festival and event support, George Sharp has earned the Certified Live Event Planner designation through Washington Festival and Events Association (WFEA). Sharp is currently the Rural Program Manager for Thurston Economic Development Council and the South Thurston Economic Development Initiative Program. He [...]

Sharp Earns Certified Live Event Planner Designation2022-11-08T14:43:46-08:00
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